Online business vs E-commerce, Business vs Commerce

Online Business vs E-Commerce and Business vs Commerce

29/08/2023 | Tác giả: Admin

Online Business vs E-Commerce and Business vs Commerce

1. Online Business

(Source: HERE)

Online business is any kind of business activity that happens over the internet.

Running an online business can include buying and selling online or providing an online service.

2. E-Commerce

(Source: HERE)

E-Commerce refers to the performing online commercial activities, transactions over internet. It includes activities like buying and selling product, making monetary transactions etc over internet. Internet is used for E-commerce. Websites and applications (apps) are required for e-commerce. it is mainly connected with the end process of flow means connected with the end customer.

Examples of E-Commerce are online retailers like amazon, flipkart, Myntra, paytm mall, seller of digital goods like ebooks, online service etc.

Activities of E-Commerce are :

  • Buying and selling product online
  • Online ticketing
  • Online Payment
  • Paying different taxes
  • Online accounting software
  • Online customer support

3. NOTE: Business vs Commerce (Source: HERE)

Commerce involves only buying and selling, whereas business involves much more. It involves activities like planning, marketing, distributing, accounting, supervising, maintenance, and many more.

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